Best Power Cable Component Hierarchy


A popular consensus is that your best power cable should be from the wall to the power conditioner. After that placement, what components are most affected by power cabling (Amp, Preamp, Dac)? Moreso, in what order should successive cabling be placed?



I would go ’upstream’ with cables, like power cords. Distributor, source, dac, pre amp, power amp. But every component reacts differently on power cords due to the quality of the power supplies and the influence shielding has on components and nearby cables. Sometimes components perform better just because there is less cross contamination. But source first gives the most satisfaction IMO.

I agree to use your best cable to the power conditioner / distributor.  As previous posters have said, it is best to experiment since the response is component dependent.  And as suggested above, use smaller gage cables on low power components and larger gage for high power components such as amps.