Best power amp for Avalon Opus Ceramique

Trying to downsize my system to a speaker/power-amp/ cd-player set-up (with digital volume control e.g. Wadia 581, Audio Aero Prestige or EMM Labs).
Which power amp (ss or tube) in the range 5k-10k is recommended to use with Avalon ?
Will ICE powerd amps like BelCanto, JRDG or NuForce work as well ?

Showing 5 responses by vicdamone

This might be interesting.

hi>fi+ issue 45 pg. 126-128.

I'm very happy with my V-1xe powering Eidolons but then I haven't been very far around the block. I'm slowly getting my room/speaker position dialed in. I'm learning that this is much more fruitful than the gear...well were the Avalons are concerned.

The synergy between Avalon and Spectral is old news and frankly hearing one of these systems properly setup in an adequate space is a marvelous learning experience.

Have Fun
Frankpiet: I hope you can take the time to give us your detailed impression of the differences between the V-1xe and the 850's. I have a buyer for your used V-1xe if you choose not to list it, drop me an email.
Class D and Avalons.

I apologize, this may seem like a boring rehash of-you've heard it all before but...

I didn't expect that I'd be using another class D amplifier to power my Avalon Eidolons but I simply couldn't help myself. The PS Audio HCA-2 with Black Gates served me well until I could acquire my dream, linear solid state amplifier. I admit to being so intrigued by more reviews of a single product than I could recall that I decided to take a flyer on the reasonably retail priced mono blocks. As luck would have it, a pair popped up here for a reasonable savings below retail.

Not having anywhere near the experience Robert Levi has had with different amplifiers I can't attest to all his claims. I can say that these mono blocks sound better, way better than any of the other amplifiers I've had in my system. While our choice of media and our systems differ in many areas the relationship between the Avalons and the NuForce 9se's is as he describes.

Will there ever be a best amp for your Avalons? In any case, if your wallet is hurting from your indirect contribution to the Colorado State Tax Board, you could afford to spend a few dollars more in smelly Milpitas, California to power those wonderful speakers with impressive results.