Best place to insert a new higher end cable in my system?

Hello. I picked up a good deal in a Audioquest Water 1.5m cable. It’s the most expensive one in my system. I have mostly other AQ cables such as Mackenzie, Sydney, a Columbia and an old school AQ cable going from my amp to preamp that sounds pretty good. Components include amp, preamp, phono preamp, server, streamer and universal player. I have a Cardas Blue Heaven phono connect going to my phono preamp but on occasion use a step up transformer former and use an old school Musical Concepts super connect II .5 meter from the SUT to the phono preamp. Where will I get the best performance from this Water IC? Thanks for your consideration and feedback.

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Showing 2 responses by decooney

+1 to what @akg_ca said. Start here with the first source. And the next best cable at your second preferred source is one approach. Try this for a while, then swap these two and compare again. And/or put your second best between your preamp <> amp. Then swap these with your best source, and compare again. While I don’t do this, a few colleagues prefer their best interconnect between preamp <> amp. Its very system dependent and one configuration may not relate to another’s system. Try all, listen carefully, and take your time over a few weeks, not just in hours or minutes.

@bfoura Its a fairly easy listening test to try in reverse.  Put your worst cable first at your source, and your best cable between your preamp < > amplifier. Try it for a week, then swap.  See if you notice an improved sound with the best cable first.  Its a test some of us do comparing OFC to OCC copper or silver over copper ICs. The swaps and results are much more noticeable on well matched systems.