Best Phono Stage

Hi all,

I need some advise on a really good sounding phono stage to go with MC turntable set up in the $5k or so bracket. I am completely new to vinyl and realise there a lot here in terms of arm/cart matching MC,MM and I think moving iron but if you could point me in the direction of some good sounding units I can investigate compatibility etc. I don’t own a table or cart yet. I was looking at the Zesto Audio 1.2.

My goal is a liquid engaging sound with deep tight bass and air and separation on top.

Thanks in advance.



Solid state:

Avid Pulsare II (used)

BMC MCCI Signature (if you plan to use low impedance MC carts)


Modwright PH9.0 (new)

Audio Research (Ref2 phono used)


These absolutely top of the game for their price. Don't get into exotic stuff like Allnic and such. You will want to upgrade soon :-)

I have a Zesto Andros II and I love it. I sold my Mac 2600 after getting it and added the  Zesto Leto preamp. Sweet, solid sound. Not mega detailed but not too soft either.  Very flexible. I did some tube rolling to get even more to my liking. 

@chayro  nailed it, IMO. Patience is your friend here. It's hard to do, but it pays big dividends. Right now I'm tuning my DIY tonearm, and desperately want to put a big expensive cartridge on it - just to see what it can do. But I'm holding back until I sort out all the quirks. So I understand your impatience.

But consider - until you live with something you don't really know what you like; that only comes after you realize that you've been listening for 5 hours and still want more. Not the piece of candy that dazzles you for 20 minutes in the showroom. Patience, I say, and only get serious on your next attempt.