Best Patricia Barber or Keith Jarrett Album ?

Sorry for the apparent random question.  For either of these two artists, which is the best album?

For me it's going to be Smash or Monday Night Live at the Green Mill for Barber, and not sure on Jarret, but I'm a big fan of Tribute.

kj has so many

for solo koln for sure it is iconic... bremen/lausanne next (ted gioia called it kj's masterpiece, i would agree)

for trio - i like deerhead inn... with p motian sitting in for jdj - really special performance... inside out next, for more free form, not standards

p barber, probably modern cool, she is an excellent artist but i am somehow not as into her, i have not seen her live

Sometimes the "best" is slightly less accessible than the most popular?
Patricia Barber:  SplitKeith Jarrett:  Facing You
I like Jarrett's Arbour Zena on ECM. Also Survivor's Suite (ECM). These both feature Keith in an ensemble setting with talented sidemen!