Best of Hearing Aids for deaf Audiophiles? Huh???

A new wife or a hearing aid? Huh? Just kidding, happily married for twenty four years until now. The wife says I'm going deaf and making things up when I say I can't hear her or twist around what I think I hear. Any one else having this problem? Are you using a hearing aid? Does this have any effects on the quality of sound by using them? Which kind of aid is most preferred? Which one should we stay away from? Where can we get the best pricing, service and products? I figure a hearing aid is cheaper than a new wife. Ha! Lastly concerning comments on equipment. Would the Eggleston Andra I be huge improvement over the Paradigm's? Your input is appreciated.

Denon 8300 integrated
Parasound preamp
Sony CD player
Denon DVD player
Pioneer DVD/Tivo play
Paradigm Reference Studio's 100
Paradigm Reference Studio 450CC

Showing 1 response by photon46

I can only relate my wife's experience. Thankfully, my hearing is still excellent at 53. She has a new set of Siemens Acuris Life digital behind the ear aids. The electronics are in a very small & light behind the ear capsule, the amplified sound is directed into the ear canal through a tiny silicone tube that is suspended in the ear canal by something that looks like a flattened small silicone badminton birdy. The beauty of this design is that the ear canal is open, no hard plastic squished into the ear, very comfortable she says. Traditional in the ear aids drove her crazy because when both ear canals are occluded, one's own speech sounds distorted and eating isn't fun. As to audio fidelity, I obviously can only relate her impressions. She feels these are in a new league compared to what she used before and readily discerns changes in cabling or commponents in the audio system that are fairly subtle. I guess the fact that she says she never thinks about having hearing problems when they are in says a great deal. They retail at about $3k per ear, but she got a really good discount as an early adopter when they were introduced to the market.