Best N.A. Audio Manufacturers to Work For?

Hi all, I'm ending 17 years in academia as a scientist and professor this May and am hoping to start another career working for a company who's mission & products I can be passionate about.  Hoping I can convince an audio manufacturer that they can use my skills and am curious who people perceive to be quality companies to work for... 

I realize the only insight most folks will have is through their customer support and product inquiry interactions, but I think that's very relevant.  Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


Showing 2 responses by cal3713

Part of the problem will be convincing someone I can actually help them. I’m a social psychologist, so skill wise I’m an expert at human testing, experimentation, data collection, and data analysis. As part of the gig, I’m also a professional speaker, technical writer, and manager. Incidentally, I can solder and do computer programming.

Content wise, I’m an expert on advertising, attitudes and persuasion, & judgement and decision making. I’ve published in all these areas and have had over $1 million in grants to study the processes. Have also published research on the evolutionary function of music (and have been interviewed by national geographic about the work).

Really just trying to translate all this skill and knowledge into a new career in the industry. Would love to help someone who’s making world leading equipment with their mission.
Pretty weird that the "sea faring/marine job bots" got a hold of this old thread.  I do appreciate the real responses (and PMs) though.