Best Metal Vinyl Album

When we think of audiophiles, we do not think of metal. On the other hand, with the resurgance of vinyl, metal seems to be a hot seller. So, give me your top 3 metal vinyl lp. When in doubt what is metal, ask Eddie Trunk.

Showing 14 responses by harris4crna

Good question:

Sound qaulity would be:
Black Sabath- debut at 180g
Mastodon -Hunter 45rpm
Deftones-White Pony

Content quality would be:
Testament-Dark Roots
Metallica-Ride the Lightning
Slayer-Reign of Blood

Just received the 180g Ozzy-blizzard and Diary. Wow, sound qaulity is great. Great to see a few more Metal Heads on here.
Nothing like original recordings for sure. I have Judas Priest, Screaming for Vengeance and it is great. Also, have Accept Balls to Wall and many scorpions albums and they are all great. Wish recordings would return to analog days and perhaps we would be enjoying recent recorded vinyl as we did inthe past. 180g vs original, hmmm???
Just downloaded Accept, Blood of the Nations the other day. Great music. Cannot imagine what it would sound on vinyl or even Hirez. I will be seeing Testament in Seattle live, cannot wait.
BP, downloaded Opeth. I must agree they are able to mix great sound with hard ass metal. Sounds great on my Cremonas, thanks. Guess Opeth and Mastadon toured together. What a show that would have been.
Damn, two shows missed due to ER visits. Guess the next time you do see them than it will be that much better. I caught both Ghost and Mastodon at Sonishpere in Madrid Spain. Did not know much of Ghost, so did not pay much attention since they were on a smaller stage. Although, Mastodon I got right up front since the first time I saw them the sound sucked. I saw them open up for Deftones and Alice in Chains couple years back in Seattle. Almost went and saw Mastodon here in Rome, but they played during mid week and it would have been dificult to get up in the am for work. Now, i kick myself because a small venue would have been great. Next month I get the great opportunity to arrive in seattle and see my favorite band, Testament, Anthrax and Death Angel. I am stoked for that show. Thought that was good enough, but follow it up couple days later to see the Uproar festival with Godsmack. Good times.
Yeah, im just falling in love with both Opeth and Mastadon. They have been around for a long time. Amazing have not had the opportunity to see them. They have many europe tour dates. Ill make at least one before I leave. Thinking about purchasing Heritage on vinyl. Not a fan of new vinyl, but may be worth the purchase. Great if they sold on Hirez, DSD or recorded in analog.
Yeah, i bought the 33 versus the 45 of master puppets. I agree, not so good. Really do not litsen to Metallica much anymore. Got burned out after seeing the live so many times and nothing really new coming from their camp. Im getting into more and more prog metal. Just bought Mastadon Crack the Sky on vinyl. Cannot wait to get back to the states so i can set up my other TT. This european project debut has done fine here, but i know i can get much more coming through my Cremonas.
Been away, but for good reasons. Just visited hometown seattle. Had the opportunity to see Testament and Anthrax at the showbox. Great, great. Show. Suprising for me, I enjoyed Anthrax better than Testament. I am a hardcore Testament fan, so I surprised myself that stear toward the other.. I have seen them put on better shows I guess. Couple days later, hit up the Uproar Festival and saw Godsmack, Staind and Adelitas Way. Yes, more hard rock versus metal, but still worth mentioning.

While in town hit up many record shops. Great metal shop in Capitol Hill. Expensive, but got my hands on some Opeth. Just returned from San Jose and picked up three Deftones albums. Also, got my hands on a Music Fidelity copy of Megadeath, Countdown to Extinction. Cannot wait to hear this one. Reviews will follow.

Donj, share to donate to the metalhead cause?
Dayglow, interesting you mentioned Metallica, And Justice For All as one of your favorites. This album has been notoriously criticized for its poor production and lack of bass. With that said, it is truly the last of the best Metallica albums and truly a favorite of mine.

Phasecorrect, cannot agree more, but may i recommend the new Black Sabbath 13 to the list, Wow!!!!!!

Goofyfoot, have not heard of the Godz, but will definitely take a listen.
I have the Ride of Lightning 45 and worth keeping. Agree, the 33 version by Metallica are definitely worth buying. Couple years back when i started buying vinyl again i bought reissues, but now i am very picky. I stick with Mofi, but expensive and much goes to over production cost. Until they start recording in analog or an advanced digital format than new issue vinyl may never be worth buying, thoughts?
Thank you for taking the time to explain. Yes, I agree until the production companies return to analog recording or convert to DSD than new vinyl may suffer. Truly, I believe there is a market for it. I see these young metal heads going out buying vinyl. I know I would purchase new vinyl if production improves. I understand musicians are making less from music sales from CDs due to the digital sharing on the internet. They make much of their money from touring these days which is good for this metal head that loves going to good shows. I truly believe we audiophiles need to continue to stress the desire for good sound which need to result from the foundational recording.
I initiated this thread, but failed to keep it going. I love hearing about metal vinyl, where to get the best metal vinyl and various life experiences with metal. I have currently returned from Vancouver Canada. Went to a metal record shop. Harldly find those around. Well, this guy knew his stuff and the material to show for it. Recently, I have been in love with Opeth, Mastodon & The Sword. I bought a collectors Watershed and Still Life, Expensive!!!!! Oh well, love the stuff.
I do own Black Sabbath 13 on digital. I'm always reluctant to buy new vinyl since it is recorded in digital. With that said, it's a great album I enjoy it immensely.