Thanks for all the great responses. Gjrad mentioned the 5751 as others have. Would a 5751 be warmer on top than perhaps a mullard 12ax7? If so, I would actually welcome less gain/volume
Best mellow sounding 12ax7 for Thor TA-1000 preamp
I just bought Thor TA-1000 and am very impressed with the resolution but want it to be more mellow sounding... Darker and less treble emphasis. Can anyone recommend the most musical but mellow/organic 12ax7 for the Thor? When I bought it the unit has telefunkens. The outputs are already mullards so I am focused on the inputs.
It is feeding vtl mb-185 signature amps and quad esl63 with vandersteen 2wq subs.
It is feeding vtl mb-185 signature amps and quad esl63 with vandersteen 2wq subs.