Best material for inexpensive amp stands

I have a pair of monoblocks in a wall unit right now. I would like to know which material might work better: a heavy piece of butcher block or some heavy granite. I do not want to spend a bunch of money on premade stands.

Showing 1 response by tobias

Cork is a selective absorber, not a broad-spectrum absorber. It operates at specific frequencies and not outside them. This is great if it happens to target the frequencies that bother your amps, not so great if not.

I have tube monoblocks on maple platforms 3 inches thick. The amps are supported by very heavy brass cones and the platforms are on Herbie's thick grungebuster pads.

The result is very good but I don't know yet if this "draining vibration" approach is the best way to go. An alternative approach would be isolation and absorption, with things like IsoNodes, Vibrapods and Herbie's IsoCups. You can find out more about these on the makers' Web sites, and more about the maple-and-brass system at Mapleshade.