Best material for an isolation platform?

I have an extra set of IsoAcoustics Gaia 2 isolation feet sitting around...I'm going build a platform for my integrated amp or transport. I have an oak shelf that would fit well 18x20x1.75. I could just as easily use MDF. Does the oak have any sonic drawbacks?
 Any thoughts?

Showing 1 response by artemus_5

From My experimenting several yrs ago, the harder the surface, the brighter the sound. Wood is popular in instruments because it is more neutral, though often warm sound. Then there are tone woods of which hard Maple is a favorite. I suspect MDF became popular with people such a speaker Mfg's because solid wood has its own set of problems and is expensive too. I have worked with wood for 50+ yrs and love it, yet respect its characteristics
Oak should be no problem, especially at 1 3/4" as long as it is dry. Its the thicker slabs which are questionable, mostly due to drying issues. So, enjoy the oak