Best Manufacturer's Website Features

What features do you like to see when you visit audio or video manufacturer's website?

Many Audiogon members spend a lot of time looking at manufacturer's websites. Hear is a post to list those features that you would like to see on ALL manufacturer's websites. Maybe we'll get lucky and a few manufacturers will actually look at this post.

Here's my list:

Essential features
* Suggested retail prices for ALL products
* An accurate list of dealers and what part of the line each one carries
* Links to the dealer's website if they have one
* Multiple view pictures of all of the products for sale
* Full Technical Specifications for all products

Optional, but nice features
* PDF versions of the owner's manuals
* Information on discontinued products
* PDF versions of the product brochures

Showing 1 response by jeffloistarca

Martin Logan has a "click here to transfer warranty", allowing the buyer of a used ML product that is still within the warranty period to register their speakers. Common sense prevails in Kansas!

All of the features mentioned above are a must, there is no excuse not to have a content-rich site. If the manufacturer has no experience in developing websites I'm sure the 16 year-old kid next door can do it for them for next to nothing.