Best Lamm interconnects?

I have just ourchased a Lamm M1.1. I am interested in purchase the L1 preamp however I have been using balance interconnects with my current set up. Should I find another amp which would support balance interconnects or should I sell my balance cables and replace them with RCA??? Your advice would be greatly appreciated. Barry Smith

Showing 1 response by caesar

I own Lamm L1 and M1.1's and all my system is connected through Audio Note AN-Vz interconnects and AN-SPz speakers cable: the result is amazing in term of transparency,detail,naturalness and musicality, and dont' you think that bass is lacking: absolutely not!!
Anyway, I have a friend who uses Kharma top of the line cables to connect his Lamms and this seems to be the best match. Unfortunately, due to tight space available, I cannot use Kharma cables which are really BIG!