Best isolation platform for a turntable with suspension?

Hey all,

I have an Avid Volvere turntable which has a spring suspension system. Sounds great!

But - my rack isn’t the best. Since Corona and inertia are making upgrading my rack impractical right now, I was thinking I could improve things by putting the Avid on an isolation platform.

My question: since the table already has suspension, what should I look for in an isolation platform? High-mass rigid platform like a Mapleshade? Mass + a different type of isolation like the Isoacoustics Delos? Low-mass but high-rigidity like a BDR shelf + BDR cones?


Showing 1 response by bdp24

Roller bearings will not adversely interact with your table’s spring suspension, and will provide isolation in the lateral planes (the springs do well in the vertical). Great ones are available from Ingress Engineering in Canada, Symposium Acoustics in the U.S.A.