Best integrated tube amplifier, under $3,000.00. No phono needed. Could be used, too.d

What's the best integrated tube amplifier under 3k, don't need phono.  Used is ok, too.  Thanks!
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Showing 1 response by phill55

Wow, @sfar got me to thinking...I have owned a completely upgraded (VH audio Reference V-Cap CuTF output caps plus Cary volume IR upgrade and mains cap upgrades l)  Cary Sli-80 FI Signature for about a year. Bought used for $2,500. Great integrated amp, although improvement in sound (personal taste) comes with some upgrades to tubes (Genelex Gold Lion KT88's, Winged "C" (SED) 5U4-G grey plate,  Shuguang CV181 6SL7-T and  PHILIPS SQ E88CC / 6922. I cant complain abotu this amp driving Fritz Carbon MkII speakers (86db).  May try out Nighthawk.