Best Integrated, period.

Has anyone compared, Gryphon Diablo, Gamut Di150, Vitus SS101, Krell FBI, APL UA-S1 Jeff Rowland Continuum 500? Please add what you found to be best integrated.

Showing 3 responses by audioman58

You want to talk about the Best
How about Bermeister, Dartzeel,Vitus,Gryphon any ones of these
Will set you back from $15k to over $25k
These are in an other league most of us cannot ever afford these
RRoyce of products and for sure there is some Tube gear hand made in Japan that can hit $100k plus , even cables can set you back $100k
Where does it all end ? While on vacation I saw an I phone 4 with elaborate
14k and Platinum case for $16k - Including phone, now that is a bargain !
Hegel 300 vs 300
The 300 has a bit more resolution and air on top,and Very neutral
Sounding ,compared to the 200 a bit on the thin side.the 200
Sounds like a high end Vacuum tube amp with snap and detail and warmer fuller sounding.
Very system dependent on cables, speakers, and source components.
They are both very good just a bit different, that is why how neutral,
Or full sounding the rest of your system is will dictate your purchase .
Regarding dacs used to hear the Hegel 200,300
We did not use the Hegel internal dac ,it is decent but the Meitner Ma-1
We used is in another catagory.the sonic balance I described is accurate.
The only thing I am doing next is buying a balanced set of MIT -HD23
Interconnects which are excellent to see how much better XLR cables sound on the Hegel.
One guy said it is the ticket for best sound on the Hegel .make sure the
Other dac, or player is fully balanced down stream to reap the benefits.