Best Integrated Amp for Linn Tukans

Second system consisting of a Marantz CC4000ose CD changer, a pair of Tukans, and looking for the best integrated to drive it. In this case, SS or hybrid preferred, remote appreciated but not required (CDP has digital volume control for temporary volume reductions). Looking for good body and warmth in midrange but without losing "presence" and "immediacy". Well, or course I want everything, a good bottom end (to the extent the Tukans will allow), smooth high end, enough power, etc. Trying to suit two sonic tastes (mine and my girlfriends). Want to spend anywhere between $600 and $1000 used. Thanks for your input.

Showing 1 response by dedicatedaudio

Dear Peter S,

The Majik is rated @33 wpc into 8 ohm and 66 wpc into 4 ohm. The Tukans, along with most of the LINN line are 4 ohm load speakers.

GO AKTIV!!! (which can only be done with Linn to Linn)

If you go AKTIV, be sure to use LINN K400 speaker wire. It is the perfect match.
