Best headphones you've ever heard/used

Well, the subject says it all I guess. I'm looking for two sets of good quality headphones.

The first one is an earphone for use with my iPod. I'm looking for a small pair of compact in-ear earphones. I take long boring flights to Asia often so it'd be nice if they were high quality and helped out with noise canceling. I've heard good things from Shure. Any other recommendations?

The second one will be for night time listening in my bed. These headphones can be big but hopefully not too heavy. I also need them to be wireless for at least 15ft.

Thanks in advance,

Showing 13 responses by robm321

Don't know about small headphones, but the Grado RS-1 with RA-1 amp (runs on batteries so it is portable) is good. Some consider it to be bright. I'd have to agree that it is not as smooth as the senns (I have both senns 600) but with the RA-1 amp there is synergy.

The Grado is no bargain. The Senns are.

I listen to the Grado's more. It's just more intimate to me.

I hope you are careful of the high volumes. Hearing damage is easier to do with headphones than with speakers.

I'm not trying to be your parent, just a caring audiophile.
Can you listen to the E3s at reasonable volume since they are very close to the ear drums?

Grado RS-1 with RA-1 amp.

I prefer these to the Senns. I own the Senn 600s also, and they do sound more like speakers. They are less fatiguing, but not as musically involving as the Grado RS-1s.

I'm sure there are better headphones out there. I just haven't listened to them.


I use the MGhead as well with the Senn 600s. I am a big fan of the headphones, and I use them for classical music such as Symphonies (they give better intrument location than the Grados), but when I listen to Grados on jazz, rock, etc. - they just seem to have more slam, detail, and they get my toes tapping.

since we're on the topic of headphones. Off the subject sort of but I have a hum on the my MGhead (tube) headphone amp coming out of the left earphone. I've switched and changed tubes and cables and it is still on the left channel.

I'm going to take it in for repairs on Monday but was wondering if anyone knows what it is. I'm not an expert with tubes by any means.

The in ear stuff sounds good, but anyone that isn't traveling should try them somehow first, because it is difficult to get the seal right.

One time I tried to pull it out, and I felt serious pain in the eardrum. My ear was sore all night. I use sure e3 which is all I wanted to spend since mp3, wma isn't exactly the highest quality front end anyway. I use it for travel only.

Just a warning for anyone considering these. They are great for travel: sound isolation, etc - but make sure you're comfortable with them cuz they aren't anything like regular headphones.

Given that the E4 would require the cost of an amp to go with it. Would you say that there is no reason to get an e4 at all unless you already own a portible amp given that after the amp purchase the cost would be close to the same?

I do browse headfi every once in awhile. I am pretty knowledgeable on the regular headphones and headphone amps. I use Grado RS-1 with RA-1 and Senn hd600 with ASL MGhead Amp.

But I have been traveling more lately and I bought the Shure e3. I also use a RIO mp3 player (I didn't want to be stuck with itunes and wanted option for WMA files). I don't know much about the in ear stuff. I wanted a summary which you were very helpful with. At headfi they tend to be so familiar with headphone set ups that it's hard to get an overview of what's good and what works with what without lots of reading to get to it, but it is a great forum. I can't say the same for headroom which is clearly a bottom line driven sales company. Their reviews claim Senn headphones are all the best and great values and Grados get very low ratings. I have both and like both, but if I had to give one up it would be the Senns. Sorry to go off on a rant.

I agree with you. I've heard nothing but good things about the UE $900 phones, but I'm not sure I want to drop that much on anything portable.
I just may have to bump up to the e4 and get a portable amp. The e3 is ok, but I wouldn't have any doubts about your comments that the e4 is a big step up especially with an amp.

There is something about having hi end on the go that really makes this stuff compelling.

Nothing will replace the life sized soundstage in front of me from a high end home system, but I still enjoy the soundstage "in my head" with no reservations.

Thanks again,