Best Genesis Album - your opinions please.

OK, after consuming eleventeen beers last night, I spun a couple of albums I haven't played in ages - Duke, followed by Wind and Wuthering. Duke, despite the poor recording quality, is one of the bands most underated albums....sure it's a little glimpse of things to come as far as Phil Collins' dominating influence, but it's still an incredible album, and probably the last 'real' Genesis work before they became too commercial.
What are your top 3 Genesis albums and when was the last time you played one of them?....


Showing 3 responses by bdgregory

My top 3 would be Lamb Lies Down on Broadway, Foxtrot, Selling England by the Pound. Though Tresspass and Nursery Cryme are also hard to beat.
I'm less fond of the post-Gabriel recordings, but it's still among my favorite bands. I would pick Wind and Wuthering, Trick of the Tail, And Then There Were Three . . . Duke is ok, but I find a few of the tracks on it pretty weak (or too pop?).
I have all of them and still play them all frequently.
Cuke's right - Seconds Out is great album - it has something for both factions. It's a live set from concerts shortly after Gabriel left the band. It includes a monster liver version of Supper's Ready and other great PG erra songs - with Phil Collins on vocals. It also has a few cuts off od Trick of the Tail.
I saw them in concert during this tour and the album does it justice.
TVAD, W and W is worth revisiting. Not a guarantee you'll like it but I think its the best of the post-Gabriel releases.