Best Full-Function Preamplifier

Consulting the collective wisdom on the best preamp with built in phonostage (MM/MC). DAC not required but OK if it has one. Below $20K retail. Must be a no compromise solution--outstanding linestage and a flexible, great sounding phonostage that would not make you wish you had separates. Thoughts?


Showing 1 response by nordicnorm

If separates are OK, I’d recommend Coincident Technology. You could get both a killer linestage and phono preamp within your budget.

I have his Dynamo 34SE MKIII amp. Incredible quality for the price. I did look at his preamp but I am still very happy with my Don Sachs linestage.

Check out the reviews, or better yet, try for an in-home audition. Israel Blume is a very honest and accommodating kind of guy. 

His website is Here.