Best Full-Function Preamplifier

Consulting the collective wisdom on the best preamp with built in phonostage (MM/MC). DAC not required but OK if it has one. Below $20K retail. Must be a no compromise solution--outstanding linestage and a flexible, great sounding phonostage that would not make you wish you had separates. Thoughts?


Showing 2 responses by fastfreight

Hello @psnyder149 great comments on Bill at gtt audio.  He is a great guy and has amazing equipment.  He has commented that the Makua (and Tambaqui) are  the stars of the MM lineup.  Your set up is similar to one of mine, in that I had Classe amps with my Makua / Tambaqui.  But ever time I went downstairs to my Audionet electronics with Tambaqui it just ‘sparkled’ more!  So I replaced the Classe amps with Audionet Max amps and oh my!!! Now I hear the true beauty of the Makua w Tambaqui.  This system uses Revel Salon 2’s and Rel carbon special subs.