Best Full-Function Preamplifier

Consulting the collective wisdom on the best preamp with built in phonostage (MM/MC). DAC not required but OK if it has one. Below $20K retail. Must be a no compromise solution--outstanding linestage and a flexible, great sounding phonostage that would not make you wish you had separates. Thoughts?


Showing 2 responses by bdp24

@patrickdowns: Watch USAM for a set of used Townshend Audio Seismic Podiums or Bars, they come up for sale pretty regularly.

For a cheaper alternative, if your speakers have narrow enclosures with a base that extends out in all directions (front-to-back and side-to-side)---or bases that are "outriggers", you can use sets of Seismic Pods instead. The Pods may simply be placed at each corner of the base, or even bolted onto the speaker base or outrigger, in the holes provided for the stock spikes. The Pods are far cheaper than the Podiums and Bars, and equally effective, assuming the speaker base or outrigger is big enough. 

The EAR-Yoshino 912 is worth looking into. In his review of it, Art Dudley said it was the first pre-amp he heard that rivaled his Shindo.