Best Examples Of Cymbal Decays On A Recording

Pleas provide an example of any recording with an outstanding cymbal decay.

...or, any recording that gives an excellent example that showcases a decay of a particular sound...whether a vocal or anything else.

Thank you.


Showing 3 responses by rodman99999

@bdp24 -                       


       Gotta wonder: how many can tell the difference (in sound) between, say Turkish and chinese Zildjians?

       Between a Paiste and Zildjian, or whether it's got rivets?

       Was that a Hi-Hat center strike, or: Snare rim shot?

       Many systems won't resolve and many more folks can't tell (via a lack of familiarity) the differences.

        I've had to point out to a couple experienced Drummers (albeit: over decades) that their own drum heads/skins had lost their resonance/pitch.

        Then again: as long as the listener is pleased with their musical reproduction, that's ALL that matters.

                                           Happy listening!


     Joe Morello's Zildjians, on my 60's, Columbia pressing of Time Out (Take Five) and Mick Fleetwood my first (1977) Nautilus pressing of Rumours (Dreams).

      A good LP for telling if a system is resolving (ie: between Paiste and Zildjian, among other things): the Sheffield Drum record.

      Then again, if one has been/is able to record their own tracks*: they are blest.                                                  *That's the best!

@bdp24 -

    During the playback of a track (whether in recording or mixing), the engineer will run his tape, A/B-ing the sound with that of a current best-selling song. He then manipulates the sound of his recording with a number of pieces of outboard gear (and of course his mixing board), all in his attempt to make the recording sound as much like a current hot song or album as possible. No references to the sound of live music at all, purely subjective.  

       I have not doubt: there are those following such a practice.      Happily: none I've ever met.

                                                Certainly: not my method!