Best double live vinyl?


Growing up in the 60's and 70's was the height of double live vinyl and the double feature at the movie theater. I'm listening to before the flood - Mr. Zimmerman and the Band. After listening to side one it flips to four, that's just not right.


Showing 6 responses by larsman

@voodoolounge - yes, I just checked and apparently it was, though I don't think I ever even saw a vinyl of it.

I've got this promo-only 'Warner Brothers Music Show' live U2 album from 1981 that I got back when I was in the record business, but that's only a single album.

I think I've seen one post that listed anything recorded after the 1970's - I guess that the 60's and 70's were the heyday of live rock albums? 

@deadtrader - I've got that whole Woodstock box set in the wooden case with the guitar strap and the lithos. I'll be putting it up for sale before much longer. With about 5 or 6 exceptions, I just didn't like most of the music, even from bands that I do like. The ones I liked best were Jimi Hendrix and the Jefferson Airplane. 

@boxcarman - Lowell George died many decades ago and they've continued to go on since; have they stopped since Richie and Paul died? 

@officerat - I live in San Francisco and was able to see the original Journey with Greg Rollie on vocals several times. I went off 'em after Steve Perry joined; his voice is real fingernails-down-the-blackboard stuff for me.

@kb673 - I figured Little Feat were still touring, and I know they've been doing annual gigs in Jamaica for at least 10 years; I was at the first one of those. But I saw them several times with Lowell also...

I was listening to some vinyl the other week and noticed that about how the sides are set up on some double albums; I think it's annoying!