Best DIY power cable. Why not make?

Ok perhaps I don't get it.  You have hot, neutral, ground and connectors.  I am looking for advise from those that have found the secret sauce in making power cables or at least those that have had great success.  With all the quality cable and connectors why not make your own?  I refuse to pay $2,000 plus for a power cable that would take a hour to build.  I am seeking your guidance and suggestions.  Thanks!   

Showing 2 responses by jb0194

Nanotec Systems #308 wire and Furutech FI-11 connectors make a nice PC at reasonable cost. Add a few pennies worth of black heat shrink tubing to the ends for a professional look. 
Nanotec Systems #308 wire and Furutech FI-11 connectors make a nice PC at reasonable cost. Add a few pennies worth of black heat shrink tubing to the ends for a professional look.