Best Digital USB cables under $ 300.00 ??

Hello to all:

I am seeking a digital USB cable under $300 that is a balanced and high performer

for the money.  I appreciate any recommendations, and also specifics as to why you recommend a particular cable.  The cable must be available with a USB-C

connector on one end.

Many Thanks!!!



Showing 1 response by soix

This USB cable from LavriCables offers high-end build features (including separate runs for data and power and 5N silver conductors) for much less than you’ll find elsewhere.  They don’t list USB-C as a standard connector, but I know they’re open to building custom cables so wouldn’t surprise me if they might be able to accommodate you for your specific needs so worth an email I’d think.

Another option would be the DHLabs Mirage that looks like it offers USB-C as an option…

Best of luck.