Best debut album

So my 2 favorite debut album are as follows

1.Steely Dan Can’t by a Thrill
2. 3rd Eye Blind 1997 release 

Showing 2 responses by simao

@johnto Good call on CSN - that also reads like a greatest hits disc
@jrod68. So true with PJ - "Ten" I consider the most influential album of the 90's
When I first heard Boston’s debut I thought it was their greatest hits album.

Favorite one, though? Maybe NWA’s "Straight Outta Compton" or the Beastie’s "License to Ill" Maybe even Phish’s "Junta"
Or maybe even Sting's "Dream of the Blue Turtles" or Nick Drake's "Five Leaves Left" (yes, I know that's not really Stings DEBUT album, but whatevs)