Best DAC for over 2000

I recently purchased a PS Audio DSD Directstream DAC. I had the Perfectwave DAC and found it to be very good but the DSD DAC was just phenomenal by comparison. With the upgrade deal I paid 4000 for the DSD DAC (6K new) but now I am wondering if I should also pay to keep and upgrade my Perfectwave for another 3K or just look for another DAC. I have 2 different music rooms and could use 2 DACs. Is there anything out there that compares?

Showing 2 responses by georgehifi

hgeifman:  Remember to calibrate the maximum output voltage, so Bricasti M1’s volume control is used in it’s top 1/4 of full output, so there’s no chance of "bit stripping" when the volume is use too low.

My friend has one of these and also uses it direct, and he finally got around calibrating the volume so it used almost at max, and he said it did sound so much better then.

Cheers George

If you only intend to listen to Redbook (pcm) with this dac,, then the Schitt Yggdrasil (bit perfect R2R Multibit) the best way to convert Redbook (pcm) forget dsd dacs.

 And it comes with a 15 day money back trial.

Cheers George