Best DAC for CD redbook playback from a PS Audio Perfectwave transport

I just purchased a PS Audio PWT and will use it to listen to redbook CDs. I've read that the best playback is with an I2S hdmi cable. So, a suitable dac would be one with an I2S input, such as either a Wyred4Sound dac or a PS Audio PWD. But, if it's just for redbook CD playback, can I suffice with an older MK1 version or do the updated versions (which I presume are primarily geared toward improving computer based systems) also significantly improve CD SQ? Again, it's just for CD playback.

Showing 1 response by ejr1953

I have the PS Audio PerfectWave transport and DirectStream DAC, with a PS Audion I2S (HDMI) cable, and it’s the best combination I’ve auditioned.

I have had the DirectStream DAC now for about 18 months and am really impressed with the detail it extracts from CDs, even better when I added the transport (my latest acquisition).  The great thing about that DAC (besides the quality) is that updates are made available on a fairly frequent basis, each one of them has improved the performance.  Thoroughly happy with both products.

On the advice of one of my audio buddies (retired electrical engineer), I also purchased a PS Audio P10 power plant, "power regenerator".  When I added the P10, I noticed an immediate improvement in the performance of the DAC.