Best cost no object tube phono

Hi Agoners,

just upgraded everything to SS Accuphase, loving it and have no intention to go back to tube pre/power. However, I have to admit that I miss a bit of tube sweetness particularly on mid. What is the best cost no object tube phono stage?

Thanks in advance for any advices

Showing 2 responses by daveyf

@rauliruegas Thanks for bringing to our attention the member from WBF who goes by Lagonda (kps25sc over here). As you well know, he is a major besotted disciple of the guru over there. As you also mentioned, seems like Lagonda had the temerity to state that there were more experienced members on that forum...LOL!
Lagonda, your are lucky that your above post has not been 'sanitized'...i certainly believe it should be. Both Raul and I have the same opinion -- you clearly have a high level of frustration, distress and anger...that doesn't belong here.