Best Component Video Cable

I have a Proceed PMDT DVD transport from which the signal goes into a Dwin Transcanner. Currently, I am using Monster Cable Video 3 cables from the component output on the Proceed to the component input on the Dwin, and I interested in learning whether anyone has had demonstrably better experience with another video cable.

I have been reading about several, ranging from the Transparent Cable Reference Video to the Nordost Optix to the Better Cables Silver Serprent, etc.

Any insight would be gratefully appreciated!

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I have both the Transparent high performance and premium component cables. Both are good leaps over the monster I had previously. I have 50ft runs of both going from my Muse 9 Sig (DVD) and Sony HDSAT100 to my Sony VPLVW-10HT. The extra money on Transparents cable can be see clearly with your eyes. Even from High Perf to the premiums. Kind of strange to spend more on the cable than most DVD players cost though. Also like the transparent becuase I have BNC's (muse) at one end and RCA's at the other...

With what you have'll see it and be glad you spent the $$$'s

BTW, how do you like the Proceed DVD? Been thinking about do you compare it to a run of the mill DVD player?
Hi J, congrats on the Proceed. I'd be interested in some of your impressions as well. I had Monster's Cable #3 's also and upgraded to Harmonic Technology's component video cables. The difference was immediately apparent and not subtle. Colors had more depth and vitality with sharper delineations between colors without bleeding. The second and equally important difference was a reduction in video noise, creating a more three dimensional look, with better blacks and greys. They are not terribly expensive either.