Best city between these two?

Which is the best city between these two....Miami,Fl. or Atlanta, Ga. ? Important considerations are :jobs, weather, audio shopping :), good shopping for the lady, and the arts and alot to do. My fiance has lived in some big cities(London,U.K.,Paris, France) and wants to live in a similar type of city. Anyone who lives in either of these cities now or ever, could you recommend nice areas and opinions? Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by sedond

kal, you took the words right outta my mouth! ;~)

seriously, i couldn't tolerate either city because i can't stand hot humid weather. lots in both places. if i were forced to choose, i'd go for atlanta because its geography is a *lot* more interesting, imo - not completely flat, w/only tropical vegetation. also, it's a tad less humid & wet on a year-round basis. and, there's actually some semblence of seasons, w/some leaves changing colors in the fall & coming off the trees in the winter, etc.

ymmv, doug s.