best cd's to impress your friends with..

..Maggies 1.6qr? Any suggestions? Thanks again. this is my second thread in Audiogon.

Showing 1 response by tsquared

I'd like to third Bob and Doug's thoughts. Let them pick anything they like, or even better bring their own favorites over. Yes probably some of them are recorded poorly, but that is their frame of reference. I know that when I audition a new piece of equipment (if I have to do it at the store rather than at home), it does me little to no good to hear music I am not familiar with. I find it a little irksome when the guy at the store puts my music aside before I've heard what I came to hear, puts in his favorite, and tells me to "listen right now to the x or y in the crescendo of z". Yes it sounds good, but I've been to few showrooms that approach my system (in my own ear) and I can't do any comparison to what I know.
I think it would "wow" your friends more to hear whole new instruments or voices they have never heard in their own system for 20 years. After you're done wowwing them with their music, throw them a few bones with your well recorded favorites. They'll appreciate them more and probably still be reeling from the new experience with their old music. As always, that's just my opinion. Hope it was helpful.

Happy listening and best of luck in converting the masses.
