Best Cartridge for $1000-$1350?

Hello... I have an RPM3 turntabe (Sumiko Blue Point No. 2) with a Tube DS preamp (Golden Lion tubes). Im considering upgrading the cartridge. What MC cartridge in the price range of $1000-$1350 works good with this type of turntable/tonearm and preamp? I listen to Classic Rock (40%), Pop (30%), Greek (20%), Jazz/Orchestra (10%). In order of importance: Sonics, Soundstage, Air, Musical, Detail, Frequency Response, I guess the holy grail. Hope you can help. Thanks.
Yes soundermn, I have a Primaluna Integrated, Manley Chinook and the ART9 too!  It would be fun to hear each other's systems.
For that level table and phonostage, I would look into the AT OC9 III.

Half the price.It isn’t an ART9,but does give a good amount of what it does.
I owned both. Great carts in their price points. The OC9III may best the two in price/performance.

Unless, you’re planning on moving up the food chain with your table/phono stage, the ART9 may be underserved.
I have been playing with the Art 9 and Dynavector 17D3 on my Technics 1200G and for me the Art 9 sounds better overall but the Art 9 has only 50 hours on it now still need more break in time. The 17D3 sounds way better on Rega Tables like my Rega P6 or RP8 that I plan on selling on here soon with the Dyna 17D3. 
Also using the Manley Chinook SE with the Art 9/1200G with my Yamaha A-S3000 and Dynaudio Special 40's speakers. Overall tone of the ART 9 is just awesome when I hear piano strikes coming from the Art 9 they sound very natural and clear not so much with the 17D3 on the 1200G.
We have so many info about ART-9 on this forum, but the world of cartridges have so many better / different options including some rare ones. As for the Audio-Technica cartridges i would advice every ART-9 owner to compare it to the AT-ML180 OCC or OFC MM cartridge which goes for much higher price than ART-9 and the reason is obvious (stylus replacement).
Now finally after 190 hours play my AT-ART9 slightly outperforms my AT-ML180/OCC sample, on the Trans-Fi linear tracker. The high register is a bit more refined, so seems I get more musical and natural performance from the ART9. My reference MC so far.

My next MC to evaluate will be the Highphonic MC-R5, can hardly wait to begin listening to this great vintage LOMC. It has been hailed as one of the finest MC carts so it will very interesting if the modern ART9 can hold its position. In my system.