Best Cables for Merlin VSM-M's

What cables, IC and speaker, have Merlin owners found to be the best in their respective systems? Please include what electronics you are using also if you will

i'd second the TG w/ merlins.

I sure many of the above are excellent choices and I would be most interested in the TG Audio cables as I have one of their power cords and find it to be excellent and a great value, Thanks Bob Crump!

To the list I would add Luminous Technology Synchestra Signature for interconnects. Haven't heard the reference but expect to in the near future. These are the best copper cables I have personally listened to with the Merlins and are also an excellent value at the price and my guess is much higher. I would audition these cables before committing to anything.

Speaker cables I am currently using the Miller Sound which are no longer being manufactured. These are supposedly JPS clones, can't comment too extensively on speaker cables though since there are many I haven't tried but these are also excellent cables.
I have a pair of ca 1960 Marantz 5 mono blocks rated at 30 watts. I will shortly be connecting them to Merlin VSMs with single ended BAM. The amps are placed next to the speakers and connected to an Audible Illusions 3A preamp about 2.5 meters away. Does anyone have experience with these amps or suggestions for wire and interconnects to achieve a little more neutral sound from these pleasantly warm and musical amps? Thanks. Tim