best budget integrated amp for rock n roll music?

--creek 4330
--cambridge audio a500
--audio analogue puccini
--audio refinement complete
--rega mira
i have B&W 302 speakers (small bookshelf type) and play cd's mostly. usually rock -- Dylan to Mission of Burma/Husker Du/Aerosmith -- some jazz and classical. opinions? other suggestions? thanks, ken

Showing 1 response by ohlala

The Mistral is a bad little man. A couple years ago I heard it with a CD12 driving a pair of $4500 Ruark 3-ways, and, man, great tone, very potent, and smooth. They never told me the price of it, but I would of died if they said, "$995". I bought the pre a few months ago, used, based on on that audition. Great products. Good to see Mistral getting some lip service.