Best Blues Rock recommendations?

I just started listening to Blues Rock and have been bowled over by recents CDs I bought like Robert Lucas, Kenny Wayne Shepard, Buddy Guy, Stevie Ray Vaughn, Led Zep, Jeff Beck etc. I intend to increase my collection and am keen on soem worthwhile recommendations. What are some of the Blues Rocks albums you've heard, especially the newer releases over the last few years?

Showing 3 responses by fujindemon

albert collins 'cold snap'
jimi hendrix 'blues'
the black crowes 'amorica', 'shake your money maker', 'southern harmony & musical companion'
gov't mule 'dose'
all have been in heavy rotation from my library lately.
hope this helps
the 'easy there' was more jest than anything, i troll the threads late often myself. and yes, gov't mule rocks.
inscrutable gave a nice heads up for the north miss allstars, quite deservingly, check them out if you have not yet heard them.
also, quite a few cuts on the duane allman anthologies, both vols, are excelllent.
john mayall, including clapton collaborations with the bluesbreakers are monumental homages/interpretations of what some of the brits recognized about american blues, definitley worth checking out.
btw, here in philly we have wxpn broadcasting a blues show from 8pm to something like 1 or 2am on saturdays hosted by johnny meister. not sure though if this is npr available across the country, definitely check out your 'local' public broadcast radio stations for a blues program, this can be an invaluable source of musical content. also, wprb broadcasting out of princeton university in jersey , if i recall, also has a blues program, though not quite as extended as xpn/penn blues show.
hope this helps