Best blues guitarist, Clapton or Green

I know Clapton is God, but is he a better blues guitarist than Peter Green.

Showing 1 response by undertaker4

Great question! Haven't thought of Blues guitarists in a "best of" sense, but Clapton isn't really a "blues" guitarist in the truest sense. Hendrix was the best rock guitar player, bar none, but also wasn't strictly a blues player (though his blues was excellent -- his Blues CD is outstanding). SRV was a tremendous player and was true to the blues, and sounded like he could do anything on the guitar. I don't know if any other guitarist has ever done as much as SRV in the past 20 years in terms of revolutionizing guitar "tone". Two guitarists who, if I were "cuttin' heads" and did NOT want to go up against: (1) Albert King; and (2) Ry Cooder.