Best beer

Kokanee gets my nod.

Showing 1 response by jonoulman

I'm a big fan of the Belgian farm house style beers such as those made by Sasion Dupont. They even have a "Table Beer" which has only 3.5% alcohol that they recommend starting your whole family drinking with. These beers are yeasty, malty, with a bit of hops. Well balanced and they almost taste alive. If you have ever had the privilege of visiting breweries in Holland or Belgium you will learn about IPA's and the use of hops. The double hops of the "India Pale Ale" was added to preserve for the long voyage to India not for the heavy, bitter taste (extreme) that we Americans seam to love. Just look at snacks like Dorito's and you can understand why Surly and so many super hoppy beers are popular.