Best Bang for your Buck DAC ?

I just realized I’m in the market for a DAC , I don’t want to spend a fortune on a DAC either . I picked up a drangonfly cobalt a while back and am unimpressed  so I moved it to my CPU and sounds really good on my system there which when I bought it figured I would do anyway since it was my first DAC purchase . There are so many DACs I have no clue , how high up on the returns chart can I go at say $1,000 before I run into heavy Diminished returns resistance. I’m open to buying used . I was thinking about a Schitt made in the states ? Anyone’s take on best bang for buck DACs? 
@boomerbillone I’m glad that you like your Project Prebox s2... I am using the M500 now. In my system the Project was a bit on the lean side, but to be fair, I am using the M500 running balanced and I tweaked the filters to my liking. I did not touch filters on the project. I also find the M500 slightly more dynamic. I really believe that it is a matter of taste and system matching to a high degree.
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I own a Denafrips Pontus but it is slightly above your $1,000. The next step down is the Ares. You can't go wrong by choosing Denafrips. They mostly come on the market used when the owner is upgrading to a Pontus, Venus or Terminator or another more expensive DAC of another make. You won't be disappointed. Check their site and reviews. 

Bill in Nova Scotia
screw the slanted eyed chinks all together and get a Made in America Schiit

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