Best "Bang for the Buck" you have owned?

Yes, the CJ ART, various Audio Research were all great...but I do remember lower priced items that gave much pleasure for their price.

In no order, The Large Advent,  DQ-10, Nakamichi SR receivers,  inexpensive Nordost cables, many tuners giving good vibes vis "FREE" music.  Also, in a different way, the Nakamichi TM radios and SoundSpace systems. 

There was a solid state ARC pre that was very

And I do  remember "free" listening at some friends homes/systems that were great values. I was exceedingly lucky to have a best friend that bought most of my gear when I was "moving on".  It gave me the chance to listen to what I had had compared to what I currently least once what I had sold to him was better than what my replacement gear was...........the old "live and learn". 


Showing 3 responses by tweak1

I have 2

Ric Schultz EVS 1200: class D dual mono 600wp module @ 8 ohms (sadly not being made anymore) $2300

Emerald Physics 3.4: Open Baffle 12' carbon fiber midrange with a concentric one inch polyester tweeter 96dB $4495, but they blew out a small remaining inventory. I saw a pair on USAudiomart for < $900
2 years ago I bought a custom amp from It's a dual mono class D based on IcePower AS1200 modules, which he then sprinkles lots of pixie dust on. 1200wpmodule at 4 ohms. Not only is it powerful, it also allows for very delicate instruments/sounds to have a fantastic presence

Incredible detail from top to bottom, throws a believably large sound stage with fantastic imaging (when combined with great speakers) through my Emerald Physics 3.4s open baffle which, sadly, are also out of production

If you don't need massive power he has moved on to other class D amps that he says sound even better.