Best bang for buck integrated amp for $500

Looking for best bang for buck amp for under $ 500.  I have triangle Bro 2 speakers already and cables and a dac.  So just looking at a amp.  Something in the 50-100 watt range, slightly on warm side of neutral, good low end, all the good stuff.

Right now i own the Emotiva basx A-100 its not bad i paid $199 but i want to step up my game.  Im kinda looking at Cambridge audio AXR100, a couple of yamahas, but wide open to suggestions ?


Showing 7 responses by steve_wisc

If we’re talking bang for the buck, might I suggest Marantz? In my experience you either love the Marantz "house sound" or you don’t.

IMO, warm and well rounded. Has "direct" function that bypasses the Marantz tone controls. Marantz has always been conservative with stated power ratings. I have a pre-owned PM8006 from TMR rated at 70, review tested at 90. It’s been said if you want that "classic" British speaker sound, Marantz and Wharfedale.

Having said that...

IMO, you simply can’t go "wrong" with NAD new/used at any price point. Pre-owned NAD will be next on my second system rack replacing a Marantz PM5005.

[edited for clarity]
IMO, you are going to want to stay far away from *any * pre-owned Marantz on ebay.  Marantz on ebay are NOT the ones you want.
+1 Rega Brio based on actual user experience.

Rethinking Marantz replacement in second system.

That’s why I come here...
Have been strongly considering the Sprout100. Unfortunately, not in stock new anywhere I can find. PSAudio site says back in stock Fall 2021.
Just want to thank OP for starting this thread and those who have responded. 

As can happen in relationships, I can get in a rut. I am actually excited at the thought of changing my second system, or [gasp] changing up my main system. Marantz will always be a part of but not only.  Ummm... those speakers...and...

Feeling like I did when I started the journey all those years ago.
"..sound wise feature wise I wonder which one’s better."


Welcome brother. [grin]