Best balanced linestage/preamp for $4000 or less ???

Hey all !!  So I need some help with choosing a preamp, preferably tube, that's a true balance design in and out.. For a 2.1 speaker system.. Need a sub so it'll have to have dual outputs running in parallel if that's the right term to use.. It'll have to have single ended inputs and outputs also.. I use an Oppo205 (Modwright) in the front end for everything digital coming in, movies and music.. But I do my critical listening with music so I use the modded portion of the 205 for that (balance output) and for movies/tv want to use the unmodded single ended outputs..

I have a Classe CA2200 amp and Salk bookshelf speakers and a sub (single ended input)..

I know BAT is out there.. VK31se I'm looking at and some older Audio Research but read them are unreliable.. Anything else anyone else have some experience with ? Will take your opinions seriously as that's how I chose my current equipment...   thanks

I know there's some good stuff single ended but I really want a well balance system through out with my music listening..

I was going to suggest a used Atma-Sphere MP-3, as Charles did, except that I’m pretty certain it only provides a single pair of XLR outputs, and no RCA outputs, at least in its standard configuration. If you can find one that you would want to consider, though, a call or email to Ralph Karsten at Atma-Sphere would be in order, to see if he could modify it to meet your requirements.
@almarg , @oem-wheels , the Atma-Sphere MP-3 is stock with dual outputs. Older units might have single outputs (dual outputs were optional), but extra outputs can be added inexpensively.
SST Ambrosia 2000 can be had for $3000 to $3500 previously enjoyed.  
I encourage you to read ANY and EVERY review,  you won't find anything but wonderful.  

Here is a few cut outs:  
The Ambrosia is a sensation at any price point. Here is a full function preamplifier complete with MM and MC phono capability that for me bridges the sonic gap between solid-state and tube designs. If you already own a tube or hybrid amp, the Ambrosia should prove most complementary. Competitive with the best money can buy.
 Dick Olsher, Enjoy The Music

“I shall not be coy when it comes to the performance of the Ambrosia and the Ampzilla 2000: These are, simply, great components. I’ve never heard better electronics in any system of
mine with which I’ve had long familiarity, while the shortest of short lists would be sufficient to contain the few that seem to me in the same league.”
— Paul Seydor, The Absolute Sound
Any of the BAT VK-30 series will be hard to beat and they are plentiful in your price range.  I have an older VK-3i and it is outstanding.  If you like tube rolling, look for a VK-31 none SE model.  
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The the Atmasphere is a good suggestion. A Sonic Frontiers Line 3 might work nicely too.