Best balanced linestage/preamp for $4000 or less ???

Hey all !!  So I need some help with choosing a preamp, preferably tube, that's a true balance design in and out.. For a 2.1 speaker system.. Need a sub so it'll have to have dual outputs running in parallel if that's the right term to use.. It'll have to have single ended inputs and outputs also.. I use an Oppo205 (Modwright) in the front end for everything digital coming in, movies and music.. But I do my critical listening with music so I use the modded portion of the 205 for that (balance output) and for movies/tv want to use the unmodded single ended outputs..

I have a Classe CA2200 amp and Salk bookshelf speakers and a sub (single ended input)..

I know BAT is out there.. VK31se I'm looking at and some older Audio Research but read them are unreliable.. Anything else anyone else have some experience with ? Will take your opinions seriously as that's how I chose my current equipment...   thanks

I know there's some good stuff single ended but I really want a well balance system through out with my music listening..


Showing 2 responses by soix

You've conveyed features you want in a preamp, but you haven't mentioned anything about what sound characteristics are most important to you or what you'd like to improve upon over what you have currently.  You'll get much better recommendations here if you can share that info as well. 
Not to throw a wrench in this because I'm sure you'll be thrilled with an MP-3, but since your sub ain't all that anyway what about going for a sub that uses speaker-level inputs ( Rel, Hsu, etc.).  I think your amp has a second pair of output terminals and it would open up options for other preamps.  Anyway...