Best Balanced and singal ended pre-amp?

Looking for suggestios on my next pre-amp. Needs to be balanced and unbalanced as well as tubed? BAT VK50se would be a consideration if it had rca well as the Hovland looks promising but it's only single-ended. I guess that probably leaves an AR unit to check out, although I'm not too fond of AR's styling. The pre-amp must be easily compatible with a variety of amps, both ss and tubed.
Thanks in advance for your opinions. Phono isn't a must but would be a plus. Thanks in advance for your suggestions.

Showing 2 responses by jman

Thank you all for your replies..The Callisto sounds very promising, but I can't find a web-site for Aesthetics, is there one? Could you let me know what the price is? An audition is unlikely, I will just take suggestions and roll the dice.
Thanks for your help Albert (and everyone else as well). The Callisto looks very promising and I'm surprised to see that there may be a dealer in my area. This may sound shallow, but the AR would have to beat everything by a wide margin for me to be able to live with it's recording studio cosmetics.