Best AV receiver for B&W 703 S2?

Hi Guys,

I am newbie. I bought a pair of B&W 703 S2 & HTM71 S2 speakers as front 2 and Center Channel. I paired it with a Marantz 7015 AV receiver. I hope to get surround & back speakers & Atmos speakers later. I have LG 77 CX Oled TV. 

The receiver’s audio seems underwhelming when watching movies. for Video. Seems fine for Audio. I am streaming thru Apple TV 4K, Apple Music thru airplay. I have a small unfinished basement. About 225 sq ft listening area.
Please let me know what AV receiver works best with these B&W speakers. I have been recommended Rotel RAP1580, Anthem MRX 740 & Lexicons RV-9. I would like to stay under $5000

Showing 1 response by dweller

HT receivers are so mind-numbingly complex these days, are you sure you have the settings set optimally? Might pay to have a pro come in and assist.
As far as something new, I used to like Onkyo (my current one is 11+ years old) but have heard a lot of quality control issues.
My next move will be to the Anthem you have specified.
Good luck!