Best Audiophile chair around $200

So, what's the best chair out there for $200 or less? I like to have a headrest. What are your thoughts on headrests? Do they jack up imaging because of funky reflections going on right behind your ears. I don't care too much about waf. Also, what are your thoughts on foot rests and thier affect on sound? Thanks for your input!

Showing 2 responses by timrhu

I've even been tempted to drill some 1" or so holes across that [now exposed] top wooden rung to see if it will 'air it out' even more but I haven't bothered yet. If anyone does, let us know.
Happy Lissn'n.

I removed the headrest from my Poang as I never used it. Also have considered lowering the back a bit to air it out as you say.