Best and Worst Rock Concert Moments

I will start this off. 1975 Jethro Tull concert at the Seattle Center Coliseum. About midway through the show an M-80 goes off in the crowd in the middle of a song and Ian Anderson holds his hand up in the air and counts to three with his fingers and the band stops playing in mid measure all at once as though some one had flipped a switch. The whole place goes dead quiet for about 15 seconds or so. Anderson says something like "Well, that was bloody ******* RUDE! If you want us to keep playing then you better cut that crap right out and have a little more respect for your NEIGHbor. Do you really want us to play some more?". The crowd slowly starts to applaud and then it builds to a crescendo. As the applause starts to die down, Anderson holds his hand up in the air, counts out loud to three and the band cuts back in full force absolutely mid-measure where they left off.

When the song ended I have never heard such intense applause in any arena or hall for any song at any show. I was completely dumb struck by how Anderson handled the situation and by the musicianship of the whole outfit. Maybe it was a staged event, but I doubt it. Either way, it was really something else...
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The Beach Boys at The San Jose Civic, Summer of ’64 (my first show).

The Beatles at The Cow Palace in San Francisco, Summer of ’65 (my second).

All the San Jose Garage Bands that were playing from ’65-8---The Chocolate Watchband, The Syndicate of Sound, Stained Glass, People, The Otherside, literally hundreds of others.

The Who at The Carousel Ballroom, Summer of ’68.

The Band at The Berkeley Community Theater in 1970 (the best band I’ve ever seen and heard, by far).

Rockpile at The Country Club in Reseda CA, 1980. One of only two "Supergroups" worthy of the title imo.

Dave Edmunds at The Ritz in NYC, 1982---the best night of pure Chuck berry-style Rock ’n’ Roll I’ve ever witnessed.

Marshall Crenshaw with his "big" band at The Ritz in ’82. The best I ever saw him.

Big Joe Turner backed by The Blasters at Club Lingerie in Hollywood, mid-80’s, with Lee Allen (Little Richards band) on sax.

The Lyres at Club Lingerie in the late 80’s---my all-time favorite Garage Band.

Little Village on a soundstage in Burbank, 1990’s. The other Supergroup worthy of the title imo. Ry Cooder’s solo that night on John Hiatt’s "Lipstick Sunset" was the best minute of music I’ve ever experienced.

Iris Dement at The Troubadour, 1990’s. My favorite living artist, by far.

Leonard Cohen at The Universal Amphitheater, late 90’s. High drama!

Bob Dylan at The Pantages Theater in Hollywood (small capacity---less than a thousand---Art Deco venue), 2001. God was he great!