Best and Worst names in Audio

What do you think are the best and worst names that audio manufactures come up with for their company or for certain products?

I'll start.

Best: 1. Ayre Acoustics 2. Aerial Acoustics 3. Audio Note 4. Esoteric 5. Kondo

Worst: 1. Bada Purer 2. Technical Brain 3. Reference 3A 4. Spica 5. 47 Laboratory

Showing 4 responses by mezzanine

@ Tom6897,

Funny, I just read about Schiit a couple of days ago for the first time. I would have listed them as one of the worst but for me I guess the name made me laugh. I think those two guys have a sense of humor. From their website:
"Schiit got started when two audio industry veterans decided it was time to shake things up a bit. The two audiophiles are Jason Stoddard, formerly of Sumo, and Mike Moffat, formerly of Theta. Together, they have designed dozens of audio and A/V products, from the Andromeda III to the Cobalt 307 to the DS Pre and Angstrom 200."
I just came across one today that I forgot about. The speaker company is called Bag End.

Maybe I am missing something technical here in the name? I don't know, but it just makes me think of the end or bottom of a brown paper lunch bag. Bad name. Not appealing at all. Now where did I put my sandwich? It's in the bottom of your speaker.
Does Bilbo share his home with Frodo Baggins? lol

Nice ones! Have to agree with you about T&A. I guess it's German so have to let it slide. Don't think they knew how bad it really is. Yeah, Oppo is pretty bad too.