Best Amps for Magneplanar 1.7i Speakers

I have a new pair of Magneplanar 1.7i speakers. Source material is CDs played on an  OPPO 105D disc player, and Qobuz streamed through the OPPO. Current amplification is Rogue Audio Sphinx (version 1). I have an old B&W powered subwoofer (ASW2000)  connected to the subwoofer outputs on the Sphinx. Listening room is about 15’x14’, ceiling height 9’. The sound quality is reasonably good but at times it feels a little underpowered. I’d welcome thoughts  on whether the Sphinx is enough amplifier for the speakers and what other amplifiers (integrated or pre- and power-amp combinations) might work well? Especially interested in views regarding tubes versus solid state. Budget for the amp or amp combo is $4,000 to $8,000. Thanks in advance!


Showing 2 responses by soix

Lots of ideas here, and thanks to all of you! There is something to mrskeptic’s observation that maybe I am just looking for a Christmas present for myself. Still, with that volume knob well past the halfway mark I do wonder whether the Maggies need a little more juice.

I think whatever the reason you’re not hearing what you want, and that’s the bottom line so maybe you could more fully communicate what it is you feel you’re missing and/or want to improve. It may not be as much a power thing as much as a character thing. The more you share, the better recommendations you’ll get here. Saying you think you’re underpowered just doesn’t do it in this context.  Need more please.

Bryston is reputed to be a good match with Maggies, and this 4B-SST2 has ample power to drive your speakers…

Matching the Bryston with this excellent LTA ZOTL tube preamp I’d think would produce glorious sound along with just a bit of that tube magic…

Or you could go with a Bryston BP26 preamp for synergy with the amp…

Hope this helps, and best of luck.